Linear regression using some of the popular software

I use the data (in the form of ‘Dataset1.xls’ or ‘Dataset1.txt’ both consist the same data ) from an online course “Econometrics: Methods and Applications” by Erasmus University Rotterdam. The data includes two variables “Price” and “Sales”, while the former is independent variable and the latter is dependent variable. Let’s get to it! First someContinue reading “Linear regression using some of the popular software”

Machine learning: linear regression using the GNU Octave

The basic intuition behind the linear regression is to fit a linear line on a scatter plot which illustrates the intersection of the observations for two variables depicted in x an y axis. In linear regression the association from (response variable) to (response variable) is questioned. . ( is a function from to ) ToContinue reading “Machine learning: linear regression using the GNU Octave”